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Monday, January 15, 2007

What is Sex? - Your Sexuality Part 3

In some cases, your fantasies are taking more of your time than you do on earth, or sometimes, your fantasies become to vivid that you feel like you have to act it in real life. If these are the cases, talk to someone you can trust and mature enough to help you sort out your feelings.

The bottom line is, do what you need to do to find your answers - read books, fantasize and ask your mature and trusted friend a lot of questions. If you are comfortable, talk to your doctor, school nurse or pharmacist, bear in mind, as long as you are not in danger to break the laws, whatever you told them is confidential. Getting answers to your questions help you grow and become a healthy, mature and sexual being.

You might think that its embarrasing to ask question about sex, but just think, if and when you decide to have sex, don't you want to be sure of it? that you've done your homework? If you think it's embarrassing to ask now, don't you think that it would be a lot more embarrassing later? especially if you made the wrong decision...

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