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Monday, January 8, 2007

What is Sex? - Healthy Relationship Part 4

What is unhealthy relationship?
Unhealthy relationship is abusive relationship, physically and emotionally. Abusive relationship is about control, fear and lack of respect. Most of the time, one partner is in control while there other one cowers with fear and resentment. Abusive relationship can involves name callings, blaming, guilt-tripping, physical violence, threats or jealous questioning. Being in an abusive relationship will hurts your self-esteem.

If you suspect you are in an abusive relationship, there's a good chance you actually are. Deep down, you might know that you are better off without the relationship, but feel unable to leave or afraid to do so. If that's the case, seek help from parents, counsellor, doctor, psychologist, social worker or any close friend. If the relationship becomes physically abusive, go to your local authority to get help and protection. You owe it to yourself to get out of the relationship.

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