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Thursday, December 28, 2006

What is Sex?

What is Sex?

The question is, are YOU ready for it?
Sex is complicated issue, it comes with pleasure (or pain?) and definitely responsibility is attached to it, permanently. I want this blog to be an open discussion place for you to find your answers for a lot of questions that are running through your head even now.

But, that is growing up isn't it? It means, learning and experimenting. It also means, taking up responsibilities, and be accountable of your actions and choices. Deciding if, when and with who you want to have sex are tough, still they are your decisions to make and no one else's.

Your religion might taught you to wait until you are married, or maybe your parents forbid it. But being teenagers (yeah, I know), love to experiment. So, in the end, it's still your decision.

Before you decide against or pro it, consider all the benefits and the consequences. You might want to ask yourself:

1. Are you ready?
Nobody has the right to dictate you in this matter. If you are not ready, stand by your decision. Never ever let anybody under mind you, even your boyfriend/girlfriend !!! Yeah, yeah, I know he/she said that if you love him/her, you should let him/her have it... let me give you a wake up call, if you boyfriend/girlfriend really love you, he /she won't force you. Sex is not a tool to prove your love nor not having sex means that you don't love someone. I'm refer to both gender, because, sometimes, it's the girl who do the asking...
Another matter to consider, what does your religion dictates? If having sex will make you feel guilty for not abiding with your teaching, perhaps you should wait. Sex shouldn't be done with guilt...

2. Should you wait?
On the bring of making decision, if you feel even one tiny bit unsure whether you should have sex or not, stop there. This is a sure sign that you are actually not ready. Take a deep breath, and list down on a page, why do you think you should have sex, and on another paper why do you think you shouldn't have sex now. Sit on it for as long as you need. After all, its your body, and you have to take the consequences and responsibilities of you decision.

3.It takes two, is my partner ready yet?
You might feel that you are ready, but sex takes 2. The question is, is your partner ready yet? Have you talk to your partner about this and how he/she feels about it?

4.Safety first: are you protected?
Are protected enough? Do you use contraception? Or does contraception sound greek to you? If it does, this is a sure sign, nope, your are not ready yet. Learn more about how to protect both you and your partners, then decide...

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